"Discover the Simple 3-step System To Get 2-3 New Clients From EVERY Event You Attend!"
(even funerals……j/k)
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Did you know?
Top business publications, business schools and thought leaders around the world consistently list face-to-face, professional networking as one of the top five strategies to grow a business. However, according to a recent study, 82.7% of people who attend networking events NEVER get any clients and NEVER make any money.
After working with tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, and sales professionals, Antonio Thornton has discovered a simple 3-step system to GUARANTEE you get at least 2-3 new clients from EVERY networking event you attend.
In this groundbreaking training, he reveals his system to help you double or triple your business revenue in the next 30 days.

Special Guest Expert: Antonio Thornton
Antonio Thornton’s expertise in direct response marketing has earned him national accolades and the respect of marketing industry professionals around the world. He’s worked on projects with Robert Kiyosaki, Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Microsoft, Georgia Pacific, Massage Envy and has helped thousands of small business owners dramatically increase their sales and profits.
Affectionately referred to as The “Profit Engineer”, Antonio is best known for creating wildly successful campaigns for his clients. He’s the founder of Money Mouth Marketing, a performance-based marketing firm and one of, if not the only marketing company in the country that guarantees a minimum 3X ROI.
How to Get 2 or 3 New Clients from EVERY Event You Attend
Get 2 or 3 Clients From Every Event You Attend??? Is That Even Possible?…
Hi, my name is Antonio, and I’ve spent the past 20 years going to events, making mistakes and learning what not to do. Now I’ve developed a proven method so that you don’t have to do the same.
Just ask any entrepreneur, and they’ll probably tell you…
Professional Networking CAN be BRUTAL!
That is, IF you’re still doing it the traditional way.
Tell Me If This Sounds Familiar
You show up to a networking event…
You get a few “prospects”…
You end up chasing them around for weeks (or months) with no results…
You can find yourself out of a boatload of money, frustrated and confused…
… And often you can end up worse off than where you started.
But, there IS a BETTER WAY!!! Instead of dealing with all those hassles above…
For the last 20 years, my good friend Antonio Thornton has been making mistakes and learning what NOT to do at networking events.
But, over time (and with the help of some really successful sales pros and entrepreneurs), he’s developed a near bulletproof method — By doing things the total OPPOSITE way than most network marketers. To the point that his strategy has now been so successful, that it has shaken up the entire network marketing community.
Check This Out…
What you’re about to learn is a little known, yet, HIGHLY effective system. Instead of feeling upset, awful or crushed when you attend a network marketing event… Now you can use this to quickly build deep rapport with people you meet so that they instantly like you.
This works even if you are an introvert, and it can be a sure fire way to avoiding wasting your time at networking events (that typically don’t produce any results).
And the best part of it all…
The entrepreneurs who have been quietly following this system often end-up attracting new clients from every networking event that they attend (and they typically make more sales as a direct result).
Now It’s Your Turn!
Maybe I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I discovered that Antonio has an “unfair” advantage when it comes to network events.
I won’t spill all the beans here, but he’s using something called: Intelli-networking.
To give you a crash course on Intelli-networking (I fully explain it on the next page below), I want you to view it as if it were a simple task like going to the movies.
Now you wouldn’t be arbitrary driving to a random movie theater, at a random time, to watch a movie, would you?
Of course not…
You’d probably find the movie you want to watch first, then look for the best times and locations, and then plan your trip. In fact, I think it may be safe to say that MOST people spend more time on planning a trip to the movies than they do growing their business.
Using this EXACT same process (and a few key strategies) we’ve been able to consistently get 2-3 new clients from every event we attend.
It’s pretty astounding when you think about it.
But, hey… IT WORKS!!!
So, if you’d like to see this in action yourself…
PS: This works even if you are a complete introvert, if you’ve tried other networking programs before or you’ve lost all hope in networking.
Antonio Thornton
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